Victoria, Kansas
City Services

The following Services are offered by the City of Victoria.

Emergency Information Card
EMERGENCY - Police - Fire - Ambulance - Dial 911
Victoria Fire Department
Ellis County Sheriff
City Hall
City Shop
Emergency Sewer
Emergency Water
Swimming Pool

Siren Blasts

1 Blast - at noon and 9:00 pm everyday, and 6:45 on Fire Department meeting nights
2 Blasts - Fire South of 8th Street
3 Blasts - Fire North of 8th Street
4 Blasts - Rural Fire
The attack warning signal is a 3 to 5 minute wavering tone.
The tornado warning signal is a 3 to 5 minute steady tone.
The all clear signal is 5 short blasts.
Please Post Near Telephone
City Water
Outdoor Watering Guidelines
June 29, 2017
Stage 2: Water Warning
No lawn watering
Only hand watering of trees, flowers and gardens. No unattended hoses.
Such watering shall not take place between the hours of 10:00 am and 5:00 pm.
No filling of swimming pools or hot tubs.
No filling of water storage containers.
Waste of water will be prohibited.
City Refuse Collection
Refuse Collection Guidelines
Effective: December 17, 2012
The City's Refuse Collection Crew is asking for your help in making the weekly collection run more smoothly.
Have all your trash places curbside by 8:00 am on Monday mornings.
If a City observed Holiday falls on Monday, trash will be picked up on Tuesday.
Put trash in one spot - as crews will not pick up at more than one site per household.
Garbage containers that are larger than a 30 gallon capacity (except dumpsters) are not permitted to be picked up by our crews. City crews are not allowed to pick barrels up to empty, however they can lift tied bags out of the barrels.
Do not fill containers with debris which make them too heavy to be picked up by one person.
The City has a compost pile for grass, leaves, and garden waste such as pumpkins and cucumbers. The site is located at the old sewer plant south of the ballpark. Put items in their designated places. These items will not be picked up by city crews.
Only limbs will be accepted at the compost pile.
Recycling trailers are available near the compost pile.
Construction or remodeling debris will no longer be picked up by the city crews. Proper disposal of items will be the owner's responsibility.
Appliances, furniture such as washers, dryers, water heaters, couches, chairs, table, mattresses, box springs, barbeque grills etc. will no longer be picked up.
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated!
Recycling Guidelines
The city's recycling center is located at the old sewer plant, south of the ballpark.
One trailer is for cardboard only.
The other trailer has two compartments. One compartment is for all paper products other than cardboard, and the other is for co-mingled glass, plastic, and aluminum.
The trailers are marked accordingly to the above.
Items must be removed from bags. There are trash containers located next to the trailers to discard empty bags.
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated!
Snow & Ice Removal Guidelines
Owner's and/or occupants are required to remove all snow and ice from sidewalks abutting their property with 12 hours after a snow or ice storm ceases, in order to make the sidewalk safe for pedestrian travel.
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated!